RULD is The Creative Assotiation of Lighting Designers
The main goal:
To raise the professional level of lighting design, both in theoretical and practical areas.
- to promote research and design (creative) activities of professors, young scientists, students, practitioners in the field of science and lighting design;
- to solve problems of mainstream education system and to develop of professional training programs;
- to form information space for effective professional collaboration in addressing the pressing issues in the field of science, education, lighting design and experimental design;
- to develop intellectual cooperation of university teachers, young scientists and students, practitioners and their involvement in solving the problems of lighting design sphere;
- to raise the status of research activities in the field of lighting design;
- to control quality and responsibility of specialists in the profession of lighting design;
- to facilitate professional development of educators;
- compilation and dissemination of scientific and practical experience;
- creating conditions for a fruitful integration of industrial practices in education system for the purpose of preparing young people for the challenges facing todays lighting designers.